Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break

During my break I noticed that my emotions and moods were connected with the people that were around me and the activities that we did. I also noticed the weather effected by mood. On the Friday after break started my friends and I went to the movies. I was happy because I would spend a day with my friends and relax. We planned to go to the at 2 and meet at 1 but after I arrived and so did one of my friends another one called and told us she was going to be late. So instead of seeing the 2:00 movie we saw the 3:30 one. I was kinda annoyed by this because she is always late and we are always planning for this but it still annoys me each time. Because we knew she would be late we decided to meet at 1 so that we wouldn't be late for the movie but then she winds being even later and everyone winds up having to find something to do. Another thing that annoys me is that she always says its not her fault cause she lives the farthest but in my opinion if you know this then you would leave earlier so that she would be on time. But after she arrived at 3:20 we had a fun time. It was all a matter of how to deal with my feelings. I knew that there was no point to stay annoyed cause then I would ruin my mood and have no fun so I decided to just forget about it but it was also good to talk about it with my other friend cause while we were waiting we decided to talk about it and go over how we feel, which made me feel better. Then me and my mom went to Baltimore and we spent quality time together. The only bad thing was that it was raining most of the time and I have noticed that when it rains all I want to do is just relax and be lazy. It kinda puts my mood down. But we figured that since we were there we would make the most of it. We decided to go to the aquarium and we wound up having the best time. Through out all the break I noticed how i deal with my emotions and feelings in my everyday life. If something is bad or upsets me I usually dwell on it but realize that it doesn't do me any good so I decide to push it in the back of my mind and try to focus on the positive things. Although in my day to day life I am usually calm and relaxed.

In my opinion I feel that being emotionally healthy is not the same as "constantly happy". In fact I think it might be the opposite. No one can possibly be happy all the time. In order to be positively sane they need to experience a range of different emotions. Emotionally healthy is when someone experiences a wide range of emotions and moods but knows how to deal with it all so that it does not effect them in their daily lives. Based on the therapies that we researched and talked about in class it seems that there are many views on how to deal with and help emotional issues. Many people in order to remain emotionally healthy they go to other people in which they can share their feelings and troubles and sort out things in their mind. Although I agree with Vincent that therapy can sometimes be a fake way to actually help people with their problems. Therapists create direct problems and make it seem that that it is the core problem in which everything is based on that, Then they come up with a solution usually lasting a couple of weeks. I feel that its a way to fool the patient that the is one specific things wrong and that one its solved everything else will go away. And when it does not the person comes back and finds out there is a whole other thing wrong that may not be connected to the first thing.

1 comment:

Juggleandhope said...

Kate -

You wrote, "Emotionally healthy is when someone experiences a wide range of emotions and moods but knows how to deal with it all so that it does not effect them in their daily lives."

I don't think I agree. Why should our emotions not affect our daily lives? Should we build big walls around them, or become lion tamers to pacify them and make them jump through hoops? Why not experience them and feel them and let them affect us? Aren't they who we are?