Monday, April 6, 2009

Emotional health short stories

An emotionally unhealthy person:

Why do as the days move forward I feel that I take two steps back? I'm forever rooted to this moment in the dark where no one can reach me. The light is but a dim glow over powered by the dark. I hear laughter and look up at my friends talking, if only they knew the thoughts that run through my mind, though they wouldn't understand. So with that I take my temporary step into the light. These thoughts and feelings locked in the back of the mind if only for this hour. I rejoin the conversation and am filled with warmth. I am not sure if I would like to continue feeling this joy for it is gone in the same instant. Never knowing and living with out the loss of it every time might be easier to bare. But I must not dwell on such emotions for now. Looking up I realize we have gone to the park and every one's waiting for my answer. I smile and say "Sorry I was daydreaming. Can you repeat what you just said?" The screaming starts in my head, yelling "let me out, let me out". I quickly silence it and am glad that I'm used to putting things in the back of the mind and ignoring the fact that they exist, well until I get home. Some people would suggest that I go and speak about how I am feeling but the constant ride of my emotions is difficult for just one person to bare so I would rather not let them have to worry about me.

An emotionally healthy person:

Ring, ring, finally the bell for last period class is over. I stretch and look around me seeing all my classmates either start to pack up or just waking up from their light nap. I laugh to myself; everyone knows that science class is the most boring class in the world. I fight back a yawn and wave to my friends waiting in the hall. We all talk about our day, the good and bad parts, nothing is left out. Once we finish talking we decide to go shopping since its spring break. All of us are excited since that means there is 2 weeks that we don’t have to go to school. Even everyone outside is pumped and you can feel the endorphins coming off of everyone. During shopping since one of our friends left we decide to take this opportunity to talk about them. Recently she has been bugging all of us and we have acted like we always do with her, kind of like putting on a show. But when she is gone we decide to vent about all the things that gets us upset. Now I know talking about people behind their backs is wrong but it is also wrong to just keep everything locked in you. So we have this rule that if something upsets us that we have to talk about it since we are all here for everyone. After talking about her we go on to better and funnier things. Laughing is good for the soul. It makes us happy. I love spending time with my friends.

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