Sunday, April 26, 2009

Moral Health

Through out the years there have been many issues presented to America that test its morality. Everyone has different views on what’s moral and what is not but when living with a culture like America there will be an over all moral definition. Moral health deals with personal values and what in the person’s opinion is right and wrong. In my opinion our morals are very unhealthy. Most Americans put themselves first before others and hold materialistic objects very high. In our daily lives it seems we cannot live with out electronics and other things we would not necessarily need to function. Things such as ipods and phones are luxuries and we should learn to appreciate them. And yet when something newer and better comes around we are ready to throw them away even though they can still be used. Other luxuries such as TV’s go the same way. Everyone is always trying to go out and buy the new plasma TV and flat screen TV’s just to look better in the eyes of our friends and neighbors. We seem to think money is expendable and are ready to buy unnecessary things and even during hard times people still try to buy the material objects. But with the money wasted on these luxuries could be used to better the lives of other people.
According to the United Nations children’s fund 30,000- 35,000 kids die a day. Yet with a donation of $200 one kid can be saved. Most people are so consumed with themselves that they cannot even be bothered with considering what other people are going through. Then there is also the problem with the amount of organizations that are available to offer help to those in need. There are so many that some people do not know who to give their money to and if the money is actually going to the people who need it. The people that consider this are in the lowest percent out of the whole population. This makes us morally unhealthy. I also think it has to do with our government. If the people saw that the government cared about what’s going on with the well being of others then maybe they would learn to take a step up and do something. Rather then the government sending money for the Iraq war for 2 days and not buying some weapons could save children for a year. But our morals tell us that we need to put ourselves before others.
This unit has taught me a lot about people's morals. When given a situation that tests our morals we have been seen to discuss it before we ever make a decision. I wonder is it is because we want others to hear what we have to say and change their opinion or because we want to seem right in the eyes of others. I think it could be a little of both. Maybe this is the other reason people seem to have the same relative view on different things. And when you have no clue of what an answer could be you look to other people to give you an answer and later forming it as your own.

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