Saturday, May 2, 2009

Brooklyn Food Conference

Going to the different booths on the 2nd and 4th floor was very interesting. I expected there to be less in ways of actual food and more in ways of educational booths that give insights to what goes into the actual food we eat and ways that we could start to make our meals more healthy. The food was interesting and the cookie that i tasted was just as good as normal cookies but was made with corn bread substance instead of dough. There were many different stands and while I was walking around I thought about what the people's views were on recycling. Many people think recycling is better for the environment while others find it uses to many resources.

The workshop that I attended was the school food activism workshop. I thought it was very interesting. The more I heard what the speakers were talking about the more I seemed to disagree with them. They went on to talk about how there is not enough money for staff, ingredients and other numerous stuff. They gave all their views on how they want to make the food served at lunch more healthy. Me and Jacara just looked at each other and shook our heads. In our opinion if the cafeteria were to serve only healthy stuff most of the kids at school were either going to start going out to eat or not eat at all. In my opinion its stupid to change the whole menu. They should at least leave some things because people's tastes are different. It would also be harder for teenagers to switch their eating habits then it is for young kids. Today during lunch we went to eat at the cafeteria and as soon as we saw the food we walked straight out and did not eat lunch. They were serving toffu, and meatless sandwiches. I am a picky eater and for them to consider changing the lunch menu is a little upsetting. Although I am not against them putting more healthy things on the menu. I am sure people would love the chance to choose what they want to eat for lunch. It also seemed as the speakers were talking our school was not even one of the ones that has a set program where people come to our school and do surveys where they see where the students feel about the food being served at lunch.

1 comment:

Y.L. said...

I thought it was interesting about the menu and the cookies. At the place I'm interning at there are alot of entrepenuers who are doing things like the booth that gave samples of healthier cookies and substitute with ingrediates like agave or stevia or make cookies that are catered to diabetics so I thought that was pretty interesting. As for the menu, I think it is a bit more expensive and maybe they can do what they we're doing to the cookies by making healthier versions of a certain dish, or just offering the choice to eat something else because I agree not everyone wants to eat tofu and meatless sandwiches. To have the choice to eat that is fine, but replacing it altogether with other foods teenagers typically is unrealistic.

shoot kateee i post long ass comments ><"