Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Problems with our food culture

Industry is to blame for what has happened to the way factory farming has grown and the way they treat animals. Though they are not the only ones to blame. our government is also to blame. They profit from the many factory farms and don't seem to care all that much about the family farms that are being put out of business. The government is also doing nothing about the living conditions of the many animals that live on the farm. And our culture does not want us knowing about these ways in which farming has developed. When we are little kids we are taught about the family farms and are shown pictures of happy animals living in wide pastures. Most Americans today probably are not aware of where there food comes from and how the animals are treated. Before learning about all of this in this class I was kind of aware that most farms today are not what they used to be. But I could have never guessed that most animals that live on the farm are treated so badly. Most animals are compacted so closely together that they can not move right and then there are those like cows that are sick and have milk pumped from them daily and are given hormones that give them more milk. This is such an unnatural way of doing something and it is appalling. I never knew that calf's get fed blood from those that have died. I do not know why anyone would do this to any animal. I am also surprised that no one is really speaking out about it and how our government can let this happen. Though I feel that if a majority were told only perhaps less then half might do something about it, half would change their perspective and start watching were they get their food and the other half would be like oh i never knew that and not be affected.

Then there is the government telling consumers that the more they "apply chemicals and technology to agriculture, the more food will be produced and the lower the price will be to the consumer"(Industrial Food is Cheap). When people try to argue they fight back with this saying how everything they are doing with factory farming is making everything cheap and with out it food would be to expensive. "the industry has even succeeded in portraying supporters of organic food production as wealthy elitists who don't care about how much the poor will have to pay for food" (Industrial Food is Cheap). This is a way of turning the focus on someone else rather then themselves. If you create an enemy then the people will want to join in on the cause and forget the important matters like factory farming and animal cruelty. There is a lot of money going into the process of making food such as the many hormones being given to the cows, the many machines, etc. There is also the price clean up toxins that get polluted from the factories. These toxins are effecting the many communities that live near these factory farming and it also effects the animals living there.

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