Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Folk Cultures message on how to live a good and meaningful life

Looking at various examples on how folk culture views how to live a good and meaningful life you can see many differences between its messages and how popular culture regards these massages. The video "Being a perfect girlfriend" talked about how the girl should be accommodating to all of his needs. But then that also goes for the video "being a perfect boyfriend". Both videos talk about disregarding your own feelings sometimes and pay more attention to the other person. For girls its to listen and seem interested when guys talk about sports and mechanics. Then for guys its to listen to her feelings and listen when she talks about her friends and they even give you responses when you do not know what to say like "what an interesting story" and "Oh sorry I was just thinking about how much I love you". Then for being the perfect girlfriend the video seems to me that we think and treat the guy like an animal or pet. Like in the video it says to feed him and massage his ego. The messages speak about being the perfect girlfriend or boyfriend. That being perfect is what makes your life more meaningful. Then there is the passage on how to be smart but not nerdy student. This talks about changing your look and perhaps trying to settle into a new crowd like the popular kids. In my opinion this seems a little like popular dominant message. That in order to have a good and meaningful life you must change who you are and be someone that is well liked by the community ( try to get the image that everyone else has).
The piece I choose was "how to be irresistible to men". It gives you many tips including one that I thought was most interesting. It says "If you ever observe people at a party or any social gathering, you'll always see the majority of guys drawn to women with unique (but not intimidating) personalities." This is a first for me hearing that you should act like yourself or more or less be someone that does not fit into the usual personality of women. But then there is the tip to be healthy which means maintaining your weight and for most women weight is a sensitive issue and this article does not help lessen their worries about being fat or not skinny enough. Then their the key fact where you have to be confident which I think many women tend to forget. They go in and start thinking about all their flaws and not on the things that make them great women. The message here is to be attractive and impress a lot of men and then you will have a good and meaningful life.

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