Friday, January 2, 2009

Dominant messages revised

Magazines are a big source of dominant messages coming from corporate culture. Magazines like “People”, “Star” and “Entertainment Weekly” make it alright to be gossiping about other people’s lives. They say its ok to disrespect privacy and so many people watch the news and read magazines to find out what is happening in other stars’ lives. They are obsessed to see how some one screwed up to make themselves feel better about their life. When looking at Magazines to see what popular culture was saying about how to live a good and meaningful life most of the messages came from ads that companies paid to have people look at. Most of the ads were about having new and nicer things. There were many ads about cars, jewelry and clothes. Ads targeting women were about how they could look younger and be healthier. From these ads we can tell that popular culture says that in order to live a good and meaningful life you need to look younger and have many new and materialistic goods. This is how corporate makes you spend money. They play on your desires and portray them as “life important” goods and believing them people go out and buy them. Spending is the biggest corporate message that there can be. Every source like magazines, movies, ads, books, and music send messages saying that you should buy things. Some times they are discrete like when an actor wears name brand clothes and you find yourself wanting those same brands. Like in the music video “Lip Gloss” by Lil Mamma she goes on and on about how her lip-gloss is so cool and that everyone likes her because of it. In the video when they show you the lip-gloss you can see the brand name is L'Oreal. The producers do this so when you see it you start to think that if I had this lip-gloss I can be popular to. They reel you in like this and hope you will buy their product that was sponsored on the music video. Then there are the movies that talk about happy endings and finding true love. In most of the movies there is a kind of romance with the main characters. There is also the message that says men are strong and dominant and women are the weak damsels in distress and the men have to save them. James Bond is a secret agent and in the movies he often gets paired up with a women spy who is like his equal. Except the ending is always the same the women gets caught and Bond has to save her and then they fall in love and kiss. Even though they portray the women as strong and self-reliant she still falls for the “strong man” who saved her.

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