Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Answering questions about statics

1. What percentage of old people live in nursing home?
According to AARP in 2004 1.5 million people lived in nursing homes. 88% of nursing home residents are 65 an older, 45% are 85 and older. Yet only 2% of Americans age 65 to 84 and 14% of Americans age 85 or older live in nursing homes.

2. What percentage of old people live alone?
63% of most women who live alone are 55 or older, 34% of men who live alone are 55 and older.

3. What percentage of old people are sexually active?
53% of old people are sexually active. (USA Today)

4. What percentage of old people are involved in car accidents?
In 2006 people 65 and older made up 14% of the traffic fatalities, 13.5% of vehicle occupant fatalities, 18.9% pedestrian fatalities (NHTSA). Older drivers' vehicles were nearly twice as likely to be struck than younger drivers' vehicles- 61% vs 82%

5. What percentage of old people are healthy?
19.17% to 1999 vs 26% in 1982. At least 80% have 1 chronic health condition and 50% have at least 2

6. What percentage of old people live in poverty?
Old people 65 and older who lived in poverty declined from 35% in 1959 to 10% in 2003 cause of social security

7. What percentage of old people are disabled?
According to AARP more than seven million people ages 50 to 64, over 14% of these people identify themselves as having a disability and or health condition

8. What percentage of old people die in care homes?
Old people who died in care homes increased from 1989 (5.7%) to 2001 (16.2)

9. What percentage of old people die from cancer?
According to the National Cancer institute 71% of all cancer deaths are in persons 65 and older

10. What percent of old people take pills?
30% of of all prescribed drugs are consumed by people 65 or older, 40% of all over the counter drugs are consumed by people 65 or older.

According to most of the sites and evidence the common age that marks you as the beginning of old is around 50 to 55 years. Some of the questions I encountered seemed to come from the common image of old people like what percentage of old people are sick, what percentage are live in nursing homes, die each year but Yu-xi came up with some interesting questions I would never have thought of. Her questions seemed to go outside of the popular image and asked questions like what percentage of old people live in poverty and what percentage are healthy instead of sick and dying. From the research it seems to me that since they are old most people assume that their lives are already over and all they have to do is sit and wait for death. But with some reading you can see that life still goes on. Old people drive, make a living, support their families,do things that make them happy. There are many more faces of an image its just that we only pay so close attention to the certain face that gets the most I guess in a way publicity.

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