Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Thanksgiving is supposed to be filled with being thankful for the things in your life that make it meaningful. For my family Thanksgiving is about spending time together. Though when my mom tells everyone to come at 1 we know by now to expect them by maybe 2. Though when they finally arrive all annoyance is gone. We settle down and eat and we each share a memory that is meaningful to us. Though the younger generation as soon as their done get up and leave and look for something to do. They don't understand that the dinner is not just about eating but being able to spend time together. It seems as the years have passed Thanksgiving traditions have faded and in their place are sort of a restfulness. These changes make me notice and miss what's important to me. My family is important to me and I hardly get to see them so i always look forward to the holidays when I can get to see them. We always have fun. Usually after dinner we play games and have dessert. I guess in a way traditions are also meaningful to me because I have grown up with them and they have been with us since I was a kid.
Black Friday is when the stores bring out their biggest sales for the season. Everyone goes out early in the morning and waits in big lines to be able to get the things they want. I can not really remember if me or my mom ever really participated in this event. I think we always usually shopped Saturday when the mass of people were less.

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