Monday, December 1, 2008

Destruction during Black Friday

During Black Friday a man was trampled when "mob of frenzied people" came into a Wal-Mart. No one cared to help him but instead continued to trample him. 4 others were injured and many employees had to fight the mob to keep from being hurt. When they announced that they had to clear the store cause someone had died many complained about being on line forever and continued to shop. I am sad to hear how people have acted. It seems so many people care only about themselves and what things they can buy cheap then anything else. Though you cant fully blame them. Our culture and corporate media has a hand in this as well. Some questions I had when reading one article were How will this effect next years Black Friday?. Another question is do you think any of the shoppers look back now hearing the news and feel bad or remorseful for what happened? I posed a question which asked has people's morals changed and if so what caused it and Sam K. answered that these people are desperately wanting happiness and so look for outside ways to achieve it. I think this is very interesting and very true. Many people now are relaying on material objects to close the gap in side of themselves. They think that money can buy them happiness and many people might agree with this but I for one do not. Money can only fill the gap for so long until there is a bigger need to get the newer and better stuff. You only keep moving on from thing to thing and only really having the illusion of filling the gap.

1 comment:

RACHEL said...

i agree
just thought you should know :)