Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer project: first blog

1. These days I have been feeling that it does not really feel like summer. The weather down here is very nice and we go to the beach every day but for some reason I can not grasp that it is summer. Perhaps it is because I am usually packed with many things to do instead of having so much free time. Other things I have been thinking is more about life. How so many people seem to fully miscomprehend the idea of life and what is meaningful to them. Surrounded by quiet and the soft flow of the ocean, I love my life and I like to just sit and watch the world unfold.

2. I love not having to wake up early in the morning and instead can sleep as late as I want. The only problem with not having to go to school is that I'm down at the beach and we have a lot of company and there are twin girls down that are 3 years old so the possibility of sleeping any later then 6 or 6 is impossible. This kinda annoys me but going to the beach helps me relax and swimming gets my mind off of everything. The only thing I miss about school is seeing my friends everyday. During the summer everyone goes away so you hardly get to see anyone. Although last year I had everyone come down towards the end of summer and it was really nice. Most of my time is decided by the adults but I do not mind going to the beach and I am also practicing my driving so I'm glad doing different things when later I can drive places. I am proud to say that I have not been in front of the tv since summer started. I have only been on the computer to check my emails although I have been on my ipod all the time when I am at home because it is an escape from all the chaos that is in the house. But its not that bad because I do not have it that loud which means when people are talking I can hear them so I do not et yelled at for having my ipod on.

3. I am up for reading a whole lot. I have many gaps in my schedule in which I would love to just sit down and read. I would possibly go and find a quiet spot to be by myself cause every once in a while it is good to have some alone time to think and read and just be alone.

4. I would be up for Andy's idea to go biking but another possibility could be going down to my beach house and I wouldn't mind hiking on the Appalachian Trail and maybe having a picnic since there wouldn't be any places to stop and eat there. I have gone hiking on the Appalachian trail and have enjoyed it because where I have went there is a beautiful waterfall that is nice to stop by and dip your feel in. I have also seen 2 black bears on one of the trips I had went which was exciting. But I would be up for anything.

5. I will be leaving for california on the 21 until the 27 of july. But other then that I would be in New Jersey and could come into the city when ever the date is decided.

6. I think I would like to know people's thoughts on life in general and what they think about it. Not just what is meaningful to them but what they think about life and what they see for themselves in this society.

I also like the bike riding idea. I think it will be a good idea since most of the time I think during the summer people get more lazy.
I think talking about mind sets after Andy's class is a great idea because that class got so many people thinking and having new ideas and even not in particular coming up with new ideas but developing ones we already had.

1 comment:

Y.L. said...

Hey Kate, sounds like you're having a peaceful vacation for the most part. Glad you're having fun. xD

The summer mind set thing is true now that I think about it since last year people seemed to be coming into 11th grade with another perspective and the whole feel of the year is different because of that and the fact that the classes are changed up.

Reading about your ipod makes me want to get an mp3 even more than I had already wanted too...Anyways hope your summer continues bringing you thought and peace, it sounds rather serene.