Monday, June 8, 2009

Easter Island

Through out the article there were many similarities between it's history and our Americas. That like the natives that lived on this land first, as the ones on Easter island did when Europeans came and explored and then decided to stay it meant the death of many natives either because of sickness or fighting for land. Then there is the part where the natives fought with themselves over who was better. Today we do a lot of that. Though what shows which country is the strongest is based on how many biochemical weapons they have in their possession. Then there is the class system. Every country has one. The upper class got better homes and got to over see the work that was going on on the plantations. While the workers got the crappy homes were they had to walk to the in land. This is also like our culture. Where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The homeless or the poor people have lower class homes and the rich people get the nicer homes. There is also the fact that both of us are wasting our natural resources. Cutting down all the trees to build their statues and America cutting down all the forests just to build condos and to pave concrete over them. This caused them to fall and will eventually cause us to fall as well.

What I found the most interesting is how the natives created the statues with out any "advanced" tools. They built such huge and detailed statues and I can not seem to understand how they lifted them onto their pedestals. Then i can not understand why anyone would want to destroy a big part of someone's culture. As the different clans battled to have the best statues, they cut up many trees and wasted their resources. With out trees the soil gets unhealthy. We as Americans have more advanced tools it will be much easier for us to destroy the world we live in. There is a lot of soil erosion. The tractors that dig up the soil are killing it. Most of the soil will be no good to use meaning we won't be able to use it to plant anything. Then we are gonna need to find somewhere else to get our food unless they create something where we can plant the crops in. We do not know how much we rely on our natural resources and then when they are gone it will be all over cause we will never see it coming.

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