Sunday, September 21, 2008

Second Assignment, Looking at other people's work:
John Li: I liked the way you went from color to black and white. I thought it made your video even better.
Reiko Omae: I liked your video. It was different from the ones I've seen where everything is family and friends but you added something you liked to do which was photography. I loved your pictures especially the crane at night with the blue background. That was so pretty.
Rachel J: I liked all the effects your slideshow had. It was really cool. I also agree with Maxiel, both songs were great.
Yu-Xi: I really liked your video. I can tell you love family. I also liked that you put words in your video to help explain things that were meaningful.
Julie: I liked your video because you had both video and pictures. I also liked your song. You can see how important your friends are to you.
One insight I got from watching all the videos was that friends and family were very important to everyone. I also noticed that all the videos i watched were about the meaningful things in their lives. No one choose to show the non-meaningful aspects of their lives. I thought that was pretty interesting. You can tell that people wanted to focus on the positive things in their lives. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

meaningful video

this is a video of the people i think are meaningful in my life
life is very meaningful - kate e.d.

1) What have you included in this video?
This video has everything that is most important and meaningful to me in my life. The most meaningful people in my life are my friends and family. They are the people that will be with me through the rough and good times.
2) Which parts of the video related to relatively meaningful aspects of your life? Which parts related to relatively meaningless aspects of your life?
When I made this slideshow I decided that I would only put the meaningful stuff in my life in it. All the people and pets in the slideshow are meaningful and important in my life.
3) What would you have liked to have included but weren't able?
I would have liked to add more things in my life that are meaningful. I would have added nature and stuff that I like to do like read and draw. Its not so much as I wasn't able to include it but that I had not thought of all of that while I was putting it together. 
4)  What seems to be some of the main criteria you use (emotionally/ mentally) to assess how meaningful an aspect of your life is?
While I was thinking of what to do for this project I first decided to do only things that were meaningful. I then started thinking about the things in life i cared about and gave me some purpose to live. The first two things that come to mind were my family and friends because they are a big part of my life. 
5) Is there a pattern in what you find meaningful or meaningless? What are some of the elements in that pattern?
The meaningful things in my life have to bring me happiness and have to have a good purpose. The meaningless things in my life are things that wont help me in the future and hurt me. Though most of the time our lives are filled with both the meaningful and non-meaningful things. And we accept the meaningless things cause with out having some meaningless stuff we couldn't appreciate all the meaningful things in life.
6) Looking at the video as a whole- is it fairly honest/accurate depiction of your life? Does it make you seem interesting/special/exciting?
For me the video is accurate. Most of my life I am either surrounded by my friends and family. And the pictures captured exactly how things go on to a day to day basis. Except for the fact that i am mostly participating instead of being behind the camera documenting everyone else. I don't think the video makes me seem anymore interesting or
special then I have been.
7) Does your life seem meaningful from an outside perspective? Is it from an inside perspective? Why?
I think it could seem meaningful from an outside perspective. Though on the outside my life might seem a little out of sorts. I may not have tons of friends but the ones that I do have are the best and they care about me. I also grew up as an only child and with one parent so it might seem to people that I missed out on a "real family" but I think that's stupid cause with just the two of us, me and my mom are even closer then most kids are with their parents. From an inside perspective it defiantly seems meaningful. There are so many things in my life that are meaningful if you just take the time to see them.
8) What questions do you have about living a meaningful life at this point?
A question I have is there such a thing as a totally meaningful Life? How can someone tell if what they do is meaningful? Can you ever really know, or is it always going to be an assumption since no two people will have the same meaningful things in their life.