Saturday, March 28, 2009

Animal paper

Through out all of society we are taught that there is a huge gap between animals and humans. No one stops to think that we are animals. We just know and think that we are better then other animals and are meant to control them. Our culture doesn’t stop and let us behave or think of our selves as animals. When we are little we are so much closer to our animalness as we are more physical and interactive with each other and nature. But when we grow up we lose more and more of our playtime and instead of being physical we spend our lives in boxes and are taught to use our heads and think. Our way of living also feeds us the lie that we are not animals. No one ever considers themselves animals but as a separate group entirely. There are obstacles that are there so we cannot perceive that we are animals. And yet there are many reasons to see our selves as animals cause they will benefit us to have more good and meaningful lives. These obstacles are in our everyday lives diverting the truth before us. All these obstacles including our own society make us “captives of a civilization system that more or less compels you to go on destroying the world in order to live” (Ishmael) Thinking that we rule over the earth and that everything was put down to benefit us lead us to mistreat nature and we will ultimately end up destroying the world and everything that lives in it. The 6 main obstructions to knowing we are animals are religion, the scientific classification system, the time we spend with other humans, evolution, mind vs. body and the fact that we emphasize non-animals traits.

One of the obstructions to knowing we are animals is religion. Through the word of God and the many interpretations we are told that we are the “kings” and that everything is for us to rule. In the book Genesis chapter 1 verse 26-28, God said “let us make man in our own image, after our own likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds in the air and creatures that move along the earth. Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the fish of the sea….”. In Gods words we are told that we were made from his own likeness and that all the things born before us are there for our benefit and that we are to rule over them. Many people believe in the word of God and take it to heart. The only bad thing about believing in a religion is that it does not give you much room for your own free thoughts and interpretations. Many people reading Genesis will probably think of themselves not as humans but as God like beings that are there to control the earth. The scientific counter part puts us in the same tree as animals and yet we are given our own family. The scientific classification is a chart in which lists all the different living beings in a web that connects everything together. The web starts with Eukaryote and Prokaryote. These are the domains and under each are many other classifications. The web continues and when it gets to haminid it creates a separate group for humans even though we are thought of to be evolved from primates. Even though science identifies that humans are indeed animals they still choose to separate us from other animals by giving humans two separate categories.

The other problem that we don’t believe that we are animals is that 95% of the time we spend with other humans. Just think about it. A typical day a human is surrounded with other humans from going to work, being on the train or bus, at work, and then finally at home if you live with someone. The only time you would see other animals is when you’re out side and you see the birds and the squirrels but no one ever spends time with them. So the only people who actually spend time with other animals are people who own pets. And yet these pets can be seen as only an accessory to humans and are not treated as part of the family or an equal. These pets are the basis of interaction with other animals and even then we don’t spend all of our time with our pets since most of our life is outside working. Humans also go to school where we are deny being physical and our bodies. Students just usually sit in one class and then another through out the whole day. We learn that thinking is much better and we prioritize this over being physical. The whole culture emphasizes non- animals traits such as thinking and makes it impossible in our everyday lives of going from on box to another to actually be in touch with out animal’s instincts.

The other two reasons humans don’t see themselves as animals is because of the thought that the mind and body are different and evolution. Evolution is thought that everything lead up to the creation of human life and now that we exist evolution and creationism will stop all together. Many people think that everything in life was in order to lead up to us and in that fact makes us the controllers of everything below us. This is somewhat similar to Genesis and the scientific classification. Both Genesis and evolution make it seem that everything was created for the human race to rule and have dominance over. The scientific classification and evolution link everything together marking us as animals though in both cases we are the end result and nothing will come after us. Both of these notions is in fact false. There will always be new things evolving and even to this day humans have evolved and will continue to. The philosopher Rene Descarte believes that we are different from animals because humans can think, “I think therefore I am”. He believes in duality, that our mind and body are separate. The body is a flesh servant to the mind and it does not matter because it is not our true selves. Homunculus is the mini person in our brain which is the real us. He believes that there is a tiny person in our minds, which controls our bodies. This breaks us apart from animals because in his belief animals are incapable of thought. He also believes that if the body should perish we would still continue to live. This is because of our soul. All humans have immortal souls in which keep us alive and are the real us in which lives inside the vessel of our bodies. And once we die it is said that our souls go to heaven and thus makes us greater then animals because they posses no souls and do not go to heaven.

Getting over all of these obstructions and realizing we are animals will benefit us in our lives and help make them good and meaningful. Through out our lives we are always humanizing everything thing that is natural in this world. Every woman goes through childbirth and is always going to the doctor to have the baby delivered. Most people think that this is a burden and are troubled by it. But the fact remains that all animals go though childbirth and it is a completely natural part of life. Humans get more freaked out about it and are rushing to the doctors to get meds to relieve the pain to have them deliver the baby. Not many people are aware of mid wives. These women go to the parent’s house and help in the delivery but the difference is that the birth is totally natural and healthy for both the mother and the child. Then there is the fact that the body matters. It is not a separate unit from you and therefore should be treated kindly. Many people today stuff themselves with fat and sugar and get themselves sick. They don’t understand that they need to keep the body healthy in order for them to have good and long lives. Humans also need to get more physical. They are always taking shortcuts instead of keeping active. Everyone person can learn to be a little more active in there day to day lives. Instead of taking the train or bus a short distance you should walk or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Many people think it’s unnecessary to be more physical and that it’s ok to think many things through. But knowing when to think is important. So many people over think things and miss great opportunities. In school we think the most and are less active. A lot of things are committed to memory and we don’t need to think like going home from work or going to school. Our mind automatically remembers and there is no thinking on your part. Even humans have blind spots. We try to think about things like death and some even think they have a grasp of what it might be like but in fact its impossible because your mind cant imagine what its like being unconscious. The biggest thing humans need to understand is that there is no special rescue. Just like any other animal we are going to die and become extinct. Nothing can prevent this, not the scientists nor can any God stop this. Knowing this we can live more meaningful lives.

I believe that I am and animal and am fully aware of everything around me. Knowing we are animals will help us become more one with nature and our own lives. It will also help us see that we are all connected and that we are not so superior to other living creatures nor should we keep taking advantage of them. This will also help us feel better about ourselves. Experiencing things is much more important then thinking about things. To experience things is to be and feel that you’re alive and will also make you happier. I noticed then when I move around and get active I am much more happier then sitting in a chair being lectured about different things. But I also think its about being interactive. Being by yourself and being active is good but your level of happiness may not be as high as if you were with somebody else. All of these will help make your life more meaningful and maybe we can also take a closer look on how these obstacles are making us mistreat every other living thing.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Animals we see in an hour

Looking out the window:
Humans: 178
Dogs: 5
Cats: 2

While watching Tv (if that counts):
Humans: 74
Cats: 1
Spiders: 7
Slugs: 3
Snakes: 3